#1 Dermatologist Recommended Skincare Brand in the USA
In the 1930's, Manny Stoloroff got his start in Los Angeles manufacturing cosmetics, lipsticks and lip brushes for the big name brands of that era, like Max Factor and Revlon.
But Manny was always on the lookout for new ideas. On one of his many trips to Europe, he discovered an extremely gentle non-alkaline soap invented by a Belgian chemist. Manny immediately saw its potential and bough the U.S. distribution rights. It was call Neutrogena.
Neutrogena turned the category on its head – positioning cleansing as the foundation of healthy skin. At a time when soap sold for 10 cents, Manny sold Neutrogena for $1.
The Neutrogena amber bar was the beginning of the brand's scientific roots, setting the standards for the quality and the value of clinical efficacy for a lifetime.