Bad habits might seem harmless to your health and wellbeing. But it may affect your long-term health implications. Here are the daily habits you should break right now to start living a happier, healthier life.
Not Drinking Enough Water
Drinking water benefits your total body health as water accounts for 60 percent of our body. Staying hydrated can help clean toxins, allow your muscles and joints to work better.

Never Exercising
Exercising helps boost your energy and help maintain a better heart health. It brings you lots of health benefits that you should exercise regularly.

Eating snack in-between meals is reasonable. Over-snacking means that you snacking when you’re not hungry or eating too much. It will lead to weight gain and fatigue that you should avoid.

Skipping breakfast
Eating breakfast might be your last concern when you are being late in work. But eating a healthy breakfast every morning Keep your weight in check and keep you productive throughout the day. You should never skipping your breakfast in the morning

Going to bed late
Getting 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep is important to your health and energy level everyday. Try to go to bed earlier to get a healthier, happier life!

Checking social media too much
It is nothing wrong to keep in touch with friends in social platform. But if you find yourself cannot stop refreshing the newsfeed every 15 minutes. You may get addicted to social media and it may get you higher levels of loneliness, envy, anxiety, depression.

Too much fast food
Eating too much fast food, such as fries, burger, soft drink, milkshake, can lead obesity-related health problems like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Start eating healthy food can bring you so much health benefit.

Not cleaning often enough
Cleaning is not just to organize your house, but also clean up dirt, bacteria and give you a clean place. Make sure you clean your home regularly to live in a safe and relax environment.

Not stretching before and after exercise
People often skip stretching during workout. But it can help improve posture and avoid injury that you should never neglect