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Do you want to try something new? Vegetarian foods are always used for mix and match recipes. Let’s try our recommended vegetarian pasta recipes! All of them are healthy and delicious with new cooking ideas.


Vegetarian Recipes

1. Vegan Roasted Spinach Tomato Lasagna



3 Lasagna noodles

100g Spinach

2½ tsp Sea salt

150g Tofu

250g Tomato paste



1. Add 2 tsp sea salt to the boiling water and cook the lasagna noodles. Pick it up until the lasagna noodles become soft (not cooked). Rinse it in cold water and drain well.

2. Wash and cook the spinach. Chop and squeeze dry the cooked spinach.

3. In a large bowl, add the chopped spinach, the bean curd and ½ teaspoon sea salt. Stir all of them to spinach bean curd.

4. Grease the baking tray with olive oil.

5. Divide the tomato paste into 5. Spread a layer of tomato paste in the bottom of the baking tray.

6. Spread a layer of lasagna noodle on the top. Then, spread a layer of spinach bean curd and a layer of tomato paste.

7. Repeat step 6. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Bake the lasagna for 30 minutes until it surface is golden.

Vegetarian Recipes

2. Penne Pasta with Mixed Mushroom and Tomato Sauce



120g Penne pasta

1 Tomato

90g Mushroom

90g Marmoreal mushroom



1. Wash and slice the mushroom and marmoreal mushroom.

2. Dice the tomato.

3. Add the penne pasta in the boiling water. Cook it for 5 minutes. Then, drain well.

4. Grease the pan with coconut oil. Cook the mushroom and marmoreal mushroom.

5. Mix the penne pasta, the diced tomato and the mixed mushroom.

Vegetarian Recipes

3. Pasta with Lemon, Mushroom and Cucumber



100g Pasta

90g Mushroom

Some Cucumber

½ Lemon

Some Coconut oil



1. Add the pasta in the boiling water. Cook it for 5 minutes. Drain well.

2. Wash and slice the mushroom.

3. Peel some lemon peels. And, squeeze some lemon juice.

4. Shred the cucumber.

5. Grease the pan with coconut oil. Cook the mushroom.

6. Add the pasta, some sea salt, lemon peels and lemon juice with the mushroom.

7. Add the cucumber and some black pepper on the top of pasta.


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