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Many infectious diseases can be transmitted through sexual contact. These infections are known as sexually transmitted diseases (STD) that can spread through oral, anal or vaginal sexual contact.

Sexually transmitted diseases are becoming very common nowadays due to unprotected sex between people who have just met through social media or anywhere on the internet.

Below are the most common STDs that you can get with unprotected sex:


Chlamydia usually affects the urethra in men and the cervix in women. It is a common STD that is easily curable. The primary symptoms of Chlamydia infection are pain during sex and penile or vaginal discharge. Wearing condoms is one of the most effective ways of protection against this infection.


Gonorrhea is an infection caused by bacteria. Widely known as “the clap”, it mostly affects the sex organs of both men and women. Its symptoms include white, yellow, or green discharge for men and a burning sensation while urinating for women. This type of STD can also be acquired through oral sex.


Syphilis needs to be treated immediately to avoid severe complications. It is a type of STD caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. You can get infected with syphilis through anal, vaginal and oral sex. The bacteria is usually transmitted through direct contact with its sores. The sores are often located on the external genitalia, mouth and rectum. With syphilis, you can’t be totally protected with a condom, as it can be transmitted through direct contact with sores that appear on the other areas of the body.

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

Human papilloma virus (HPV) is known as “the cervical cancer virus,” as it is always associated with cervical cancer. HPV can have no symptoms, however it can present itself as genital warts.

HPV vaccine, when given to younger females starting at the age of 11 or 12, can protect them from the HPV virus. HPV infection cannot be permanently cured, but you can only ease its symptoms.


Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection cannot be acquired through just casual sexual contact. It is transmitted through the exchange of body fluids like blood, semen, vaginal secretions and even breast milk.

Practice safe sex to avoid serious complications brought about by these STDs!


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