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Children should eat a varied diet and intake adequate amounts of nutrients for their growth and brain development. What are the nutrients that they need?  Read on to understand the nutritional supplement that will help your children healthy.

Vitamin A for kids

It’s important for baby and children to maintain their immune system and keep healthy skin. it can also help night and color vision. They are found in milk, cheese, eggs, carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, and broccoli.

Healthy food nutrition dieting concept. Assortment of high vitamin A sources. Carrots, nuts, broccoli, butter, cheese, avocado, apricots, seeds, eggs.

Vitamin B for kids

B vitamins include B2, B3, B6, and B12 that promotes metabolic activities, energy production, and healthy nervous systems. Rich sources found in meat, chicken, fish, nuts, and soybeans.

Foods with Vitamin B6(Pyridoxine). Healthy eating. Top view

Vitamin C for kids

It is essential for kids to heal wounds and strengthen muscles and immune systems. The good sources of vitamin C include oranges, citrus fruit, tomatoes, and strawberries.

Fruit and vegetables containing vitamin c. The concept of healthy eating.


Children are in the stage of rapid growth, iron is important for building muscles and creating red blood cells. This is especially important for girls when they start menstruation. Iron should be an essential supplement because they need much more than boys do. Good sources of Iron include beef, pork, and beans.

Collection iron rich foods as liver, buckwheat, eggs, parsley leaves, dried apricots, cocoa, lentil, bean, blue poppy seed, broccoli, dried mushrooms, peanuts and pistachios on wooden table.


Calcium is good for building strong bones for kids to start their adult lives. Dairy foods like milk, tofu, yogurt, and cheese contain the best natural sources of calcium.

Fresh organic dairy products on white table

Large or inadequate amounts of nutrients aren’t a good idea for children. If you found your children don’t get enough amounts of the above nutrients for their body and brain development, it is recommended to use dietary supplements for teens and children to get a healthy growth.

Product Recommendation:

Appebon Vitamin B1 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 Iron Lysine Kids Syrup 60mL

Pedzinc Plus C Vitamin C with Zinc Syrup 120mL

Ferlin Iron; Vitamin B-Complex Syrup 120mL



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