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You may already know the benefit of yoga, it is relaxing and great for muscle strength building. But did you know your face can also practice yoga? Facial yoga promises to relax and tone muscles. Though these steps won’t bring you a youthful face instantly, it is proved to prevent your skin from further sagging, let’s see how some easy to do facial exercises can bring youthfulness back to your face.


Cheeky face

Take a big breath through your mouth, then puff the breath from cheek to cheek like a bullfrog; hold for as long as possible then release. Repeat 8 or 10 times. This pose strengthens your cheek muscles and prevents them from becoming thinner and looking hollow. And the best part of it is you can perform this anywhere.

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Giraffe Face:

Whether you’re sitting or standing, look up and stretch your neck. Press the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth, then smile and swallow while pointing your chin at the ceiling. Alternately, you can also use your index fingers to pull the skin on the neck downwards. Hold the stretch for 25 seconds. This is one of the best facial yoga exercises to tightening the jaw, toning the chin and neck region, as well as correcting sagging skin and double chin.

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Clown Face

Smile widely, with your teeth showing, then gently press your fingertips into the creases between your nose and lips. Lift the muscles up and press your fingertips down into the muscles for slight resistance. Holding the expression for 5 seconds. The clown face strengthens muscle and corrects sagging skin and laugh lines.

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Buddha Face

Saying your “oms” during yoga practice is not only a way to calm your mind, it is also good for relaxing lines on your face. Just close your eyes, visualize the point between your eyebrows, and make a very slight smile. This pose can reset your facial habit, help offset the line-making expressions like frowning and grimacing that you don’t realize you’re doing day after day.

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