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If you simply can’t wait to enjoy the sun, sea and sandy beaches but worried that your period can take all the fun away from your trip – read on and find out how to delay your period to enjoy your holiday to the fullest.

You can consider Norethisterone if:

  • You want to delay your period for no more than 20 days
  • You are looking for a method to use only occasionally
  • You can predict when your period is due
  • You are NOT on the contraceptive pill
  • You are NOT pregnant
  • You are NOT experiencing abnormal bleeding
  • You do NOT have a hormone dependent cancer.
  • You have NOT suffered from jaundice or pemphigoid gestationalis during pregnancy
  • You are NOT diagnosed with porphyria
  • You are NOT allergic to anything in Utovlan/Northethisterone tablets
  • You have NO liver problems, have never suffered from angina and don’t have a history of blood clots.

Colorful oral contraceptive pill both 21 and 28 tablets strips.

How Does Norethisterone Work?

  • It works by producing a faux version of progesterone. This is a hormone that naturally occurs in our body, and keeping the level of progesterone on the up results in our period getting delayed. The course should be started three days before your period is due. Your period will usually come back two to three days after you’ve stopped taking the medication. It’s worth noting that progesterone is not a contraceptive and you will need to opt for other ways to enjoy safe sex, for example a condom or a diaphragm.

Beautiful woman having pills. Shadow DOF. Developed from RAW; retouched with special care and attention; Small amount of grain added for best final impression. 16 bit Adobe RGB color profile.

Norethisterone Safe for Everyone?

While it is safe to use on occasion for many, it is not suitable for everyone and all medications carry the risk of side effects, so it is important that you consider these first.  This is not the right method for you if you had liver issues, history with blood clots and suffered from a heart attack or angina, or are taking certain medications. In some cases, Norethisterone can make some health conditions worse.

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