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Morning yoga practice helps you start a healthy and productive day. The yoga poses can boost energy and clear your mind through a breathing exercise. Spend 15 minutes everyday to wake you up. Namaste!

Young woman practicing yoga, doing Downward facing dog exercise, adho mukha svanasana pose, working out, wearing sportswear, black pants and top, indoor full length, gray wall in yoga studio

(1) Downward Facing Dog Pose

Starting with the basic yoga pose “Downward Facing Dog” can make you feel great in the morning. It stimulates the brain and nervous system. It also helps to stretch the back deeply and build upper body strength.


(1) Come to the ground on your hands and knees.

(2) Spread your fingers wide apart.

(3) Keep your knees hip-width apart and your back flat.

(4) Lift your hips slowly up towards the ceiling.

(5) Keep your arms straight but not locked.

(6) Press your heels into the floor, feeling a stretch in the back of the legs.

(7) Let your head and neck hang freely.

Young woman practicing yoga, doing asana paired with Cow Pose on the inhale exercise, Cat, Marjaryasana pose, working out, wearing black sportswear, indoor full length, gray wall in yoga studio

(2) Cat Tilt Pose

Cat Tilt Pose is a common warm-up yoga pose for your back. It stretches your neck, shoulders and the whole spine. It helps to raise focus and coordination.


(1) Come to the ground on your hands and knees.

(2) Spread your fingers wide apart.

(3) Keep your knees hip-width apart and your back flat.

(4) Exhale. Round your spine toward the ceiling. Release your head toward the ground.

(5) Press into your palms to let your shoulders down and to reach the spine up towards the ceiling.

(6) Hold for 5 breaths.

(7) Inhale. Flatten your back.

Young sporty woman practicing yoga, doing Revolved Easy exercise, Parivrtta Sukhasana pose, working out, wearing sportswear, black pants and top, indoor full length, gray wall, yoga studio

(3) Seated Twist Pose

Seated Twist Pose is one of the basic seated poses. It opens your hips and shoulders to increase flexibility. It also helps to reduce stress and anxiety.


(1) Sit up straight and extend your legs in front of your body.

(2) Cross your legs and place your feet directly below the knees.

(3) Place your right palm on the ground to the right of your hips with fingers pointing outwards.

(4) Exhale. Place your left hand on your right knee and turn your neck and upper body to the right.

(5) Inhale. Lengthen your spine.

(6) Exhale. Twist your torso further to the right.

(7) Inhale. Return to centre.

(8) Repeat on the other side.

Young woman practicing yoga, doing Ardha bhudjangasana, Sphinx exercise, baby Cobra pose, working out, wearing sportswear, black pants and top, indoor full length, gray wall in yoga studio

(4) Sphinx Pose

Sphinx Pose opens your chest and strengthens the core. It helps to align the spine and motivate the kidneys and nervous system.


(1) Lie on your belly and your legs side by side.

(2) Place your elbows under your shoulders and your forearms flat on the ground.

(3) Inhale. Press down your forearms and lift your head and chest off the ground.

(4) Pull up your kneecaps and squeeze your thighs and buttocks. Press the pubic bone down into the ground.

(5) Let your shoulders down and back. Press your chest forward to lift you up even higher.

(6) Hold for 5 breaths.


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