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Once you already registered for your first long-distance race – 10K, you have successfully built a new journey for your career in sport! There is still time from the day of the 10K running race. As a running beginner, you should make good use of the 10 weeks before the race. The following training program will guide you to prepare your first 10K event and help bring you an unforgettable experience.

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10-week Training plan

Weeks 1 – 2

‧ Training target:  2 weeks, 3 days a week

‧ Length: 30 mins per day (Walk out the door and start 15 minutes in one direction, turn around, and return 15 minutes to the started place.)

‧ Training rules:

*Walk for the first and last 5 minutes

*Freely jog/run in the middle 20 minutes

*Don’t worry about how fast you are running. Stay in a comfortable pace.

* When you are tired, walk until you recover, then repeat jogging /running again


Weeks 3 – 4

‧ Training target:  2 weeks, 4 days a week

‧ Length: 36 mins per day (Walk out the door and start 18 minutes in one direction, turn around, and return 18 minutes to the started place.)

‧ Training rules:

*Walk for the first and last 5 minutes

*Freely jog/run in the middle 26 minutes

*Don’t worry about how fast you are running. Stay in a comfortable pace.

* When you are tired, walk until you recover, then repeat jogging /running again

Weeks 5 – 6

‧ Training target:  2 weeks, 4-5 days a week

‧ Length: 40 mins per day (Walk out the door and start 20 minutes in one direction, turn around, and return 20 minutes to the started place.)

‧ Training rules:

*Walk for the first and last 5 minutes

*Freely jog/run in the middle 30 minutes

*Don’t worry about how fast you are running. Stay in a comfortable pace.

* When you are tired, walk until you recover, then repeat jogging /running again

fitness woman running on beach

Weeks 7 – 8

‧ Training target:  2 weeks, 4-5 days a week

‧ Length: 46 mins per day (Walk out the door and start 23 minutes in one direction, turn around, and return 23 minutes to the started place.)

‧ Training rules:

*Walk for the first and last 5 minutes

*Freely jog/run in the middle 36 minutes

*Don’t worry about how fast you are running. Stay in a comfortable pace.

* When you are tired, walk until you recover, then repeat jogging /running again

Weeks 9-10

‧ Training target:  2 weeks, 5 days a week

‧ Length: 50 mins per day (Walk out the door and start 25 minutes in one direction, turn around, and return 25 minutes to the started place.)

‧ Training rules:

*Walk for the first and last 5 minutes

*Freely jog/run in the middle 40 minutes

*Don’t worry about how fast you are running. Stay in a comfortable pace.

* When you are tired, walk until you recover, then repeat jogging /running again



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