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Stretching is vital for flexibility. It can relax your muscles and increase blood flow and nutrients to your cartilage and muscles. As a result, stretching before you sleep can help you sleep better.

Why we should stretch before sleep?

Improve your quality of sleep
Stretching before you sleep can help you stay asleep. Lying down with closed eyes doesn’t mean that we are getting quality rest. Thus, if we can stay asleep for whole night, we can store more energy for the coming day.

Lower stress levels
Stretching before we sleep helps us learn how to physically let go of daily stress rather than hold on to it. After all, if you jump out of bed with a “can do” attitude and a physically “able to do” body, you can much more easy to achieve your goals.

Prevent injury
Stretching can help to increase flexibility which can prevent us from injury.  Ensure you can move within normal range of motion so that you will not get into injury easily. Keep stretching every day and you will know your body well.

Stretching you can do before you sleep

Leg to wall
Sit facing the wall and lie on your back. Move your buttocks as close to wall as possible, lift your legs, and rest the back of your legs against the wall perpendicular to the ground. Rest with your arms out to the sides, palms up.

Seated forward bend
Sit on the ground, back straight, legs together and stretched out in front of you. Flex your feet and bend forward from the hips, reaching for your toes with your hands.

Corpse or Dead Body Posture
Go to your bed and lie down, legs slightly apart and stretched out in front of you, arms along by your sides with palms up. Close your eyes and bring focus to your breath. Keep doing this until you fall asleep.


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