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Do you always suffer from abdominal pain, fullness or constipation? Beware! All of them are the symptoms of indigestion. We recommend you eat the following 5 gut friendly foods before or after meals every day. Let’s say goodbye to indigestion!


1. Pineapple


Pineapple contains an enzyme that helps digestion and to break down protein, especially when you ate too much meat and fried foods. Pineapple helps to reduce fat accumulation and aid indigestion.

Gut Friendly Foods

2. Grapefruit


Grapefruit is an incredibly fruit for ladies! It is acidic and rich in dietary fiber to strengthen your digestion system and keep your intestines healthy. Besides, grapefruit is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, which can slow down aging and prevent dark spots and wrinkles.

Gut Friendly Foods

3. Ginger


Ginger has a warm and spicy bite. You can add some to tea or for cooking. It helps to speed up blood circulation. Ginger can warm body and stimulate the operation of digestive system. Even, you can drink ginger tea with honey to reduce constipation.

Gut Friendly Foods

4. Yogurt


Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria, which can increase probiotics to reduce the growth of harmful bacteria. It can increase gastric acid secretion and benefits digestive health.

Gut Friendly Foods

5. Fruit Vinegar


Fruit vinegar contains malic acid, citric acid that make it tastes sour. It helps to stimulate digestive juice and produce stomach acid for digesting food. It is recommended to drink within 1 hour after meals.

Gut Friendly Foods


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