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Pneumonia is a respiratory problem characterized by inflammation of your lungs. It is caused by bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitical infections and sometimes the inhalation of chemicals or toxic gasses. Symptoms of pneumonia include fever, cold, cough, shortness of breath, diarrhoea, shaking chills, loss of appetite, headache, fatigue, sweating, vomiting and nausea, chest pain, muscle pain, and tiredness. If you’re looking for ways to get rid of pneumonia and strengthen your immune system fast and naturally, we have gathered some tip for you.

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Never heard of fenugreek? But that doesn’t mean you should continue to be in the dark on this medicinal herb from South Asia. Fenugreek has some amazing health benefits. It helps reduce both internal and external inflammation. Having a few cups of freshly prepared fenugreek tea a day can cure pneumonia in the early stage. You can also add four or five drops of lemon juice to enhance the result.

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Garlic is considered one of the most effective home cures for pneumonia. Taking adequate amount of garlic cloves can speed up the recovery. Garlic will bring down body temperature as well as the pulse and respiration rate. Applying garlic paste over the chest can also bring beneficial results in curing pneumonia.

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Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are proven to be useful in curing pneumonia. Mixing the sesame seeds with honey, linseed, and a pinch of table salt help remove the catarrhal matter and even the phlegm right from the bronchial tubes.

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Vegetable juices

Organic fresh-made beet, cucumber, carrot, and parsnip juice can boost the immune system, detoxify the body, and reduce mucus and lung congestion. The chlorine and phosphorus rich vegetables are good for lungs and bronchial system. So drink vegetable juice everyday can relieve the symptoms of pneumonia.

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