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Since 2013, the United Nations has set aside March 20 to celebrate International Day of Happiness, with an aim to promote the idea that happiness is a universal human right. Here are some ideas to celebrate this special day by sharing and spreading happiness to those around you.

#1 Reconnect with old friends

Reconnect with friends you lost touch with. Simply send a text to your old friends and say “Hi” or you could always start off with the excuse of, “I saw something the other day that made me think of you…”. Feeling awkward? Don’t be, as people are often happy to hear from an old buddy out of the blue. Top view of young businesswoman using technology.

#2 Greet co-workers with a smile

You probably spend more time with your co-workers than with your family. If you run into a co-worker you don’t know well in the hallway, just smile and say, “Good morning”, “Hello” or “How are you”. And try to say something nice to those you are close to, like “You look great today”, “I like your shoes” and make their day. It isn’t that hard to boost happiness in your workplace, is it? Four female coworkers smiling to camera outside

#3 Donate for good

Happiness comes from giving, not buying or having. Got a mountain of old and unwanted clothes, books or household goods around the house? Don’t just throw them away. Give your pre-loved items another chance and donate them to charity to recycle. By doing so, you are getting rid of the clutter in your home, plus saving others and the earth at the same time. Unrecognizable man holds a box full of donated clothing. He is donating or receiving the clothing.

#4 Volunteer

Doing good for others makes you happier and healthier. Looking for ways to volunteer and give back to your community? One of the many options is volunteering at your local hospital, which involves providing support to staff, escorting patients, passing out snacks or other clerical work as needed. Do good and feel happier. Happy volunteers standing with their hands together against the sky

#5 Have a good night’s sleep

Happiness is getting a good night’s sleep. Without enough sleep, you’re just not as sharp as you could be, and your work and happiness can suffer as a result. People who sleep between 8 and 9.5 hours during the night tend to wake up happier. Well, good night and sweet dreams. Shot of an attractive young woman relaxing on her bed in the morning at home

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