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Do you know that climate change is mostly driven by releasing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere? CO2 offset is a simple and easy way to minimize your impact on the environment and maintain sustainability.

What is CO2 Offset?

CO2 means carbon dioxide. Carbon offset stands for the reduction in emissions of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases made to compensate for emissions made elsewhere. One tonne of carbon offset represents the reduction of one tonne of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases.

How does carbon offset work?

Carbon offset allows you to reduce the climate impact you made and compensate for the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases you produced.

You may generate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases by transportation, dining, traveling etc. You can purchase carbon offsets from the related environmental-friendly organizations equivalent to the amount of CO2 you produced. Your purchase funds the certified projects to conserve and restore the environment, produce clean and renewable energy, or raise energy efficiency, which reduces and prevents the emissions of CO2 and greenhouse gases.

Step 1:

Calculate and offset your carbon emissions by using the online calculator

Step 2:

Purchase CO2 offset according to the amount of your emissions


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