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You have already read too much party’s makeup these days! Why not start to plan about the spring? When it comes to spring, pastel pigment is always the best catch! Add some mellow yellow, purple haze, rose and even light blue on your eye would definitely bring up your spring’s fiercely feminine.

1. Play safe with soft pink first

Before you master your eye makeup courage, you can still enjoy wearing pastel shadow by playing really safe. What is the safe colour? You can choose creamsicle shades which are close to the color of your eyelids, soft pick is your best pick! If you are wondering soft pink may not enhance your eye features, you may contour your eyes by highlighting your brow bone! What’s even better? Add some white or sliver eyeliner on your eyelids.

Female eye natural brush for shadows macro

2. Add some sunshine with mellow yellow

You might think yellow is obviously too bring to wear, yet, give it a chance before you wipe it off from your makeup bag. In spring season, you may start with your yellow eyeshadow with baby step. Mello yellow would be a right choice for you; you may also start with yellow or silver eyeliner. With that, you add some sunshine when the weather is a bit gloomy!

Beautiful young Asian woman portrait with fashionable makeup.

3. Dare to try out the light blue

After you muster the makeup courage, why not try out something new and give your friends a little surprise?When it comes to light blue eyeshadow, you have to follow the “Up or down” rule which means only applying light blue on upper eyelids.(you don’t want to look like a bruised eye, right?) Then, define your eye by drawing along your lower lash line!


Beautiful woman`s open eye. Light blue and silver eye-shadows.

4. Game with some shimmer

Make your pastel eye makeup to another level, why not game with some shimmer to make shine likes diamond? Simply apply a light layer of shimmery shadow on your upper eyelids as the base shadow, then wear your pastel shadow on top of it.

Beautiful Young Woman with Clean Fresh Skin. Perfect Makeup. Beauty Fashion. Eyelashes. Cosmetic Eyeshadow. Highlighting. Cosmetology, Beauty and Spa


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