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Big, bright eyes can make you appear youthful, alert, and healthy. If your eyes aren’t as naturally large as you’d like them to be, don’t worry! We can use numerous tips and makeup tricks to achieve bigger-looking eyes. Read on to find out.

#1 Trim & shape your brows

If your brows are wild naturally, perfectly shaped and groomed eyebrows can completely help you achieve bigger and bright eyes. Groomed arched eyebrows create a flattering frame for the eyes. You’ll be able to create the most flattering appearance for your face. This simple act of removing stray hairs can make your eyes more noticeable.

Firstly, you have to clean up areas above and below the brows. Then, you have to make your brow in shape, and brushing your brow up is the key when you want to frame your brow. Of course, use your brow pencil to fill up the gap of your brows. When you have a trimmed brow, your eyes will look bigger.

#2 Brighten your waterline

Brightening your lower waterline with a nude is one of the easiest tricks to make your eyes look larger. A white pencil liner will give you a dramatic difference and bring more light into your eyes. If you don’t like taking white, a creamy flesh-coloured tone can still have the same effect and appear more natural.

#3 Strengthen your lower lash line

Adding mascara to your lower lashes will also open up the eyes for a wide doe-eyed look: For a softer look, you can use a brown mascara, or even coloured mascara if you like. Adding a little eyeliner to the outer corner of your lower lash line will also help to elongate your eyes. Stick to the outer third, and use a soft brown eyeshadow to smoke it out, which will make the eye look wider – a harsh line can sometimes do the opposite.

#4 Conceal dark circles

Dark circles will make your eyes look tired and older. It will completely detract you from beautiful eyes. Choosing a lighter shade of concealing to conceal your dark circles can make you look more awake and open up your eyes. It also can help keep your eyeliner from smudging throughout the day.

#5 Winged eyeliner

It is also a smart trick to create the illusion of larger eyes. All you need to do is to extend the eyeliner beyond outer corners of your eyes. Remember not to draw too thick with your eyeliner, this can often look a little heavy on smaller lids. You can draw a very thin line above your lashes. This technique will make your eyes appear wider.

If you have small eyes, it’s better to avoid heavy eyeliner on your upper lid, as this can make it look smaller. Instead, you can draw a very thin line above your lashes, tapering the eyeliner outwards from the last third of your lashes to create a subtle flick.

#6 Curl your lashes

To make your eyes look bright and big, one of the keys is to curl your lashes. Don’t be scared by the look of the eyelash curler. To use, feed clean lashes between the clamps of the curler. Start with the base of the lashes, hold the curler shut for 20-30 seconds. Repeat two more time at 2/3 and 1/3 of the lashes.

#7 Lift your eyes up

We all know mascara would make a huge difference to making our eyes look bigger, so imagine how bomb the right pair of false lashes can look. With false lashes, it’s crucial that you find the right style to flatter your eye shape: Depending on the eye shape you have, each needs a different lash otherwise you run the risk of making your eyes look smaller.


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