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Most blokes have suffered from shaving rash at some point in their lives. Here’s how to sort it. For good. 

Men’s faces are put through a lot and dragging a sharp piece of metal over them every day is bound to cause a reaction sometimes. Sore, red, itchy and irritated, razor burn can be unsightly and uncomfortable. Luckily, there’s plenty you can do, and not do, to help avoid it or kick it to the kerb when you’ve got it.


Do make sure your razor is sharp

If your blade shows any sign of discoloration or – even worse – has started to rust, bin it immediately. A blunt razor will tug at your skin. You should change your blade once every five to seven shaves, so about once a week for most guys.

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Don’t dry shave

Never use your razor without a shave cream or gel. These act like a protective lubricant, helping the razor to glide over the skin. Without them your razor will drag and scrape.

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Do try a razor with a lubricating strip

If you’re currently suffering from shaving rash but still want to be clean-shaven, a razor with inbuilt lubrication can add an extra layer or protection to your normal routine.

Don’t be too heavy-handed

It can be tempting to press down heavily as you shave, especially if your beard is very thick or dark and you’re prone to a five o’clock shadow, but a more forceful shave doesn’t mean a closer one. Go gently.

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Do invest in something to soothe it

If you cut yourself when shaving, stem the bleeding with a cotton pad held in water, then apply a little witch hazel or tea tree oil to avoid infections. For larger uncomfortable areas, choose a cream containing aloe vera. Haven’t got any skincare products to hand? Honey can help sooth shaving rash – just smooth it on and wash off after 20 minutes.

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