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Shaving your legs should be one of the most annoying, boring and frustrating chores in your beauty routine. Some people even spend half the year avoiding the dreaded task, but, if you do find yourself reaching for that razor, there is something you need to kno

There is an optimum time of day for shaving your leg, and no, it’s not in your morning shower. According to beauty experts, the best time to beautify your legs is actually at night. Because as we sleep, our legs become warm and swell slightly which can make the little hairs retreat back into their follicles and are less obvious. In order to have a perfect shave and leave your legs smoother, always shave at night.

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No matter how hurried you are, don’t ever try to shave your legs dry. Lather up your legs with a moisturizing shaving cream so the razor can glide easily over your skin. That will avoid nicks and cuts. If you don’t have shaving cream, hair conditioner will do the job just as good. Ditch your bar soap though, as it cannot create enough lubrication for a razor to slide easily against your skin, which can increase the odds of cuts.

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Be gentle to your leg, avoid a washcloth or a loofah after shaving as rubbing the newly shaven skin too hard can cause major irritation and even redness and bumps.

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It’s best to invest in a four- or five-blade razor, as it provides a smoother result. Also remember to replace razor blades often, as it won’t do you any good if you don’t change your blade at the first sign of dullness. Not only are old blades less effective, they are also more likely to cause bumps and redness and trap bacteria, which can potentially cause infections.

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