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Rose water has been used for centuries in the Middle East as a beauty treatment. With hydrating and soothing abilities, as well as natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial powers, it’s the ultimate must-have item in your skincare toolkit.

Here are some ways you can incorporate rose water into your beauty regimen:

Hydrating Skin

One of the amazing benefits of rose water is its ability to add moisture to the skin. You can use rose water directly or mix it into your face mask, cream or lotion to add extra dose of moisturisation to your skin. Your skin will feel instantly cool, soft and soothed.

Made in Japan, New Launch Pika Pika Rose Range with organic rose water can help to strengthen your skin barrier and improve your skin’s condition. Specially designed for those who have busy routine, Pika Pika Rose Water All-in-One Conditioning Gel can help you finish your skincare regimen quickly. Simply apply Pika Pika Rose Water Conditioning Toner first to restore skin to an optimum pH, and then apply Pika Pika Rose Water All-in-One Conditioning Gel to receive 5 skincare functions in 1: serum, tonic, lotion and mask. Skincare doesn’t have to take you an hour every morning anymore!

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Natural Face Mist and Setting Spray

Rose water can also act as your personal face mist and makeup setter. Its gentle hydrating effects make it ideal for all seasons. A quick spray is all you need to make you feel refreshed. Rose water can also be used to set make-up and give a dewy finish Pika Pika Rose Water Carbonic Acid Hydrating Mist is great to use before and after makeup. The fine particles help increase moisture penetration for instant skin hydration.

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