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Everyone wants a brighter, tighter, and youthful skin, but what holds the key to attain an awesome complexion? The answer is camu camu. No idea about what camu camu is? Let us tell you more about this superstar fruit in town.

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Most commonly found in Peru and Brazil, this cherry like drupe wasn’t known to the rest of the world until recent years. The fruit packs the highest amount of natural vitamin C known on the planet, it contain about 60 times more per serving than an orange. As you may know, vitamin C is the key element to skin brightening and anti-ageing regimens, the nutrient is responsible for creating and maintaining collagen.

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The fruit is also rich in ellagic acid, a natural phenol antioxidant that can help protect skin against free radicals that cause signs of ageing, and it is good for skin brightening. Other antioxidants that can be found in camu camu include Flavonoids and Gallic Acid, which can neutralize harmful free radicals.

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Leucine is another amino acid found in camu camu. Our body needs leucine for muscle and bone tissue growth and recovery as well as the production of growth hormones which plays a vital role in cell regeneration.

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Since Camu Camu tends to have a sour taste, it is often consumed as a powder supplement. The powder can be used as food flavoring. Camu flavored ice-creams and drinks are actually very popular in Peru. Besides eating the superfood for face can also be found in a lot of natural skincare products. Keep an eye on it and you’ll also be able to experience the amazing benefit of the South American produce.

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