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Have you been applying moisturizer consistently but still end up having dry skin? Chances are that you’ve been putting your moisturizer on wrong all this time! Having smooth and soft skin takes more than slathering lotion all over your body. Here are the clever and effective ways to do it right.

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It’s tempting to think that you need to invest in a thicker moisturizer to have your face be fully protected. The truth is that thick moisturizers takes ages to sink into your skin and won’t give you the result that you have expected. What you should look for is natural oil based moisturizer like those made of almond oil, as it is easier for your skin to absorb compared with those water based ones. Seaweed and algae are also key ingredients that will help rehydrate your skin, as algae attracts water into your skin.

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To keep your skin hydrated all the time, you need to get a weekly treatment that adds to your moisturizer. Creating your own face mask is totally easy and quick. Edible ingredients like avocado, egg white, lemon juice and honey can make great rescue treatment for your skin in between moisturizing.

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Though we can’t predict humidity, there are different moisturizers that promise to make your skin better in different weather conditions. It is important to find a moisturizer that adapts to temperature change and cater to your skin needs effectively.

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Your moisturizer will work better if you take good care of your skin and hydrate yourself properly. Don’t forget to use sunscreen even in cold weather or cloudy days, as sun damage can give you dry and rough skin. Don’t forget to always use moisturizer as a base for your makeup.

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