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Pollution, unhealthy lifestyle, and exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light contribute to premature skin aging. UV rays and environmental pollutants are some of the factors you cannot control. However, you have some say to other factors responsible for fast aging of your skin. Wearing sunscreen is one preventive step you can take. The product was formulated to protect your face and other parts of your body from the unwanted effects of overexposure to the sun. Here are some of the other ways you can adopt to achieve that “forever young” face:

1) Invest in Sun Protection

What most people don’t know is that constant, prolonged exposure to sunlight without protection significantly contributes to premature aging of the skin. Whether you’re at the beach or going about your daily activities, make sure to take a break from sunbathing by staying in places with shade and use sunscreens with at least SPF 30. By wearing sunscreen and doing other preventive measures, you can keep yourself protected from the damaging effects of sun’s ultraviolet rays and achieve a beautiful and youthful skin.

2) Eat Healthy and Exercise

Skincare is more than applying different skin products. Eating healthily and keeping an active lifestyle go a long way. Nurturing what is inside first starts to keep your body more youthful. Researchers already proved that eating a well-balanced diet consisting of fruits and vegetables prevents skin aging. Studies show that better blood circulation happening during exercise is key to a healthy skin as well. These benefits are welcome additions to having a beautiful and fit body. Going to the gym, running, and even taking a walk all make a difference in helping achieve a great skin complexion.

3) Get the Right Skin Regimen

To prevent the signs of skin aging, you should always use products specially concocted to respond to your skincare needs. Most of those who converted into the Korean skincare trend follow a routine that includes cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing. However, it is still best to seek the help of a dermatologist. Dermatologists have the best knowledge of your skin type and the right products that help slow down the process of skin aging. The right combination of cleansers, toners, and treatments is the secret to a beautiful skin.

Using the right products help in getting that fresh and healthy skin. However, consistency is key in achieving a youthful skin.

To keep yourself updated with the latest in beauty and wellness like Watson’s Facebook page or learn more about us at our website.

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