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Psoriasis is a skin condition where there is a rapid growth of skin cells, which causes the scaling of the skin. The skin disease is commonly diagnosed among individuals aged 15-35 years old and both men and women can have it. Despite advancements in medicine, nothing has been discovered yet on a specific factor behind this skin issue. However, they claim that the immune system and genetics do contribute to its development.

Common triggers

While there are no known factors that drive the development of psoriasis, there are some common triggers observed by medical professionals. These triggers significantly impact the mechanisms that tell the brain to have an overdrive production of skin cells. The following are the most common triggers of psoriasis:

  • Stress
  • Heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages
  • Infection


Scaling on the skin surface is not the only sign you might have this condition. The following are other symptoms commonly reported by those diagnosed with this skin problem:

  • Inflamed patches of skin
  • Dry skin
  • Itching and burning sensations around patches of skin

The appearance of psoriasis is not only limited to the skin surface of your arm or legs. This skin disease can also develop in other parts of the body including the scalp, face, genital folds or genitals. Psoriasis in the scalp appears with slight, fine scaling and can extend from the hairline into the forehead.

How Is It Treated?

There are several ways to treat psoriasis. Recent research found that the following methods are effective in reducing the production of skin cells, which causes inflammation and skin scaling.

  1. Phototherapy – this treatment option subjects the affected skin to ultraviolet light and is usually done at the doctor’s clinic.
  2. Oral treatments – Patients with psoriasis are prescribed with drugs that relieve the symptoms. For example, medications to lower the inflammation of the skin are prescribed to those who have psoriasis and have inflamed skin.
  3. Topical treatments – usually the first line of treatment for people with psoriasis. Topical ointments are directly applied to the skin that’s inflamed or scaling.

You don’t need to panic if you see scales on your skin. Consult your doctor immediately if you have any of these symptoms!

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