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Frequent hand washing and using hand sanitizer got your hands dry, rough and cracked? Poor hands. What can you do? Here are some DIY treatments for your dry hands, from applying hand cream to wearing gloves… 

WK 31 – DIY treatments for dry hands

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#1 Rich hand cream

All you will need is a rich hand cream and a pair of latex gloves. Slather your dry hands with a generous amount of hand cream and spend a few minutes massaging them gently. Then, apply another layer of the heavy-duty cream before popping on a pair of latex gloves for another 30 minutes. 

#2 Aloe vera

Aloe vera, known for its antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties, is the best natural remedy to treat dry, rough and chapped hands. It is best to moisturize your dry hands with aloe vera gel right after showering to lock in moisture. Simply squeeze some aloe vera gel and rub it in all over your dry hands.  

Beautiful young woman using aloe vera at home, closeup

#3 Oatmeal

This DIY oatmeal hand soak works wonder for itchy, irritated skin. Start with filling a large mixing bowl large enough to fully submerge both hands with lukewarm water. Add 1-2 cups of powdered oatmeal and milk to it. Soak your hands completely in the water for 15 minutes. Then rinse, pat dry and apply lotion.

#4 Coconut oil

Coat your dry hands with coconut oil before bed to treat them overnight. Put a pair of cotton gloves on to help the oil penetrate your skin. Leave it on overnight. It’s just that simple.

Fresh coconut oil and nuts on wooden table


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