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Reaching pore-fection is not easy, yet every beauty lover worth their salt will tell you just how important it is to try. Whether you stare at your pores under a magnifying mirror religiously or have no idea where to even begin, allow our ‘how to unclog pores’ guide teach you on skincare must-dos.

Ways to Unclog Pore

Luckily there’s many ways in which you can unclog pores and it’s wise to trial multiple methods until you find a combination that works best for your skin.

Ever wondered why some beauty products are best applied after a hot bath? Or why a sauna session leaves your skin feeling and looking fabulous? The secret is in the steam. When clean skin is exposed to steam, the pores open – allowing the skin to breathe. Give your skin a steam workout once a week by using a facial steamer. Always remember to close the pores after by applying a splash of cold water and follow with a gentle moisturizer.

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A deep exfolation of the skin helps to unclog large pores. For the best results use an exfoliating scrub combined with an electric cleansing device. This will deeply penetrate the pores and help remove any blockages.

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Pore Stripping 

A targeted treatment that’s perfect for using on the nose, pore strips locks onto the skin and once removed will take with it the build-up of dirt behind the pore.

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Applying Charcoal Face Mask

We’ve not stopped raving about the beauty uses of activated charcoal since the ingredient bounded onto the beauty scene. And the main reason is because of its ability to blitz through congested skin as it absorbs up to 200 times its weight in impurities. Using a mask at least once of week will work wonders for pores.

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Things to Do After Unclogging Pores

Dedicating time in your skincare regime to unclogging pores is something your complexion will thank you for. But, there’s no good doing all that hard work and then reversing the effects with bad after-care. Here are some easy wins to closing pores:

Use a Gentle Cleanse
It’s a no-brainer that irritated pores result in irritated skin. So picking a gentle cleanser will wash away dirt with dehydrating implications. Look for sulfate-free solutions and only use intense scrubs as a skin treat (not for everyday use).

Splashing Face with Water
With all these products on the market it can be easy to ignore the sources that are right in front of you. Splashing your face with water every morning, before bed and after any skin treatment is a refreshing way to rejuvenate skin.

Close Pores with Toner
There’s no good having a regular cleansing routine without following up with a toner. This will work to restore the PH balance in the skin and will help close pores. If you’re concerned that a toner will inflame the skin then avoid toners with alcohol and added fragrance as this can dry the skin out.

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