The summer heat is coming, you are going to get sun-burn without any sun care protection. Even though you do, it doesn’t mean you don’t have to do anything after sunbathing. After-sun care is more important than you think, it may prevent your skin from being aging or some skin problem such as fine lines, wrinkle, and freckle. Let’s start to protect your pre and post-sun care before the summer arrived!
Why after-sun is so important?
Most people may think they only have to apply sunscreen before sunbathing or do its intervals. It is true that sunscreen acts as a barrier to the filter UV ray from the skin, it is also true that the higher SPF and PA ratings, it blocks more amount of UV radiation get through your skin. However, the sun ray get through your skin will be accumulated, and it might lead to sunburn later. Even worse, it results in many skin problems, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and freckles.

1. Exfoliate your skin
You may hear that exfoliation is important before you go for sunbathing, yet, it is equally important after sun. As we know, exfoliation can help you to remove the dead skin cell and get rid of the dried skin after sun. Not only does your face need to be exfoliated, your feet and hands also need that treatment after-sun.

2. Nourish your skin
As we mentioned, your skin will become dry and flaky after-sun. When your skin is too dry, it would be easy to flakes off. When your skin is dehydrated, it would be more vulnerable to UV rays. So, it is vitally important to nourish your skin in every way, such as hydrating facial mask, moisturizer, and moisturizing serum. By doing this, it helps you to rebuild the protective layer.

3. Keep yourself hydrated
Needless to say, it is ultimately important to keep yourself hydrated after a long session of sunbathing. Your body will become dry and dehydrated, all you need is to repair body fluid by consuming water and have a cool shower.

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