Celecoxib 200 mg 1 Capsule [Prescription Required]
REMINDER: A doctor&rsquo,s prescription is required to purchase this product. To avoid delay in delivery or cancellation of your order ,(before the item is SHIPPED), please email a copy of your prescription (.jpeg or .pdf file format) to ,OnlinePharmacy@watsons.com.ph ,with your order number after Checkout. Our pharmacist will also get in touch with you to validate your prescription. Please be ready to show your original prescription upon claiming/delivery of your order.
Symptomatic treatment of OA & RA. Relief of signs & symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Management of acute pain. Primary dysmenorrhea, acute & chronic lower back pain.
Place of Origin
Product Usage
OA 200 mg as single dose or 100 mg bid. RA 100 or 200 mg bid. AS 200 mg as single dose or 100 mg bid. Max total daily dose: 400 mg. Acute pain Initially 400 mg followed by an additional 200 mg if needed on 1st day; subsequently 200 mg bid or 400 mg once daily as needed. Primary dysmenorrhea Initially 400 mg followed by an additional 200 mg if needed on 1st day; subsequently 200 mg bid as needed. Elderly <50 kg Initiate therapy at the lowest recommended dose.
Celecoxib 200 mg and other components
Contraindicated in patients with salicylate hypersensitivity or NSAID hypersensitivity who have experienced asthma