Place of Origin
Product Usage
Place the melting pan on low heat. Press the wax down with the spatula the melted wax will rise to the surface. Melt only as much as wax as you needed. Let wax cool until the consistency is similarto honey not too hot Spread the wax in a strip on clean dry skin. Fro better result Wash skin with soap or astringent before waxing. Let wax strip cool for a few minutes until it doesnt stick anymore when touched. then lift the lowest end of the wax strip against the hair growth and pull it off the skin in one quick motion. Repeat as required. To avoid breaking of wax Dont let it harden too long. Wash the treated skin with warm water. slight reddening of the skin is normal after waxing. Donot use on sensitive broken or irritated skin.
Natural tree resin; Natural beeswax; wvegetable oil.