Orphenadrine citrate 35mg + Paracetamol 450mg 1 Tablet [PRESCRIPTION REQUIRED]
REMINDER: A doctor&rsquo,s prescription is required to purchase this product. To avoid delay in delivery or cancellation of your order ,(before the item is SHIPPED), please email a copy of your prescription (.jpeg or .pdf file format) to ,OnlinePharmacy@watsons.com.ph ,with your order number after Checkout. Our pharmacist will also get in touch with you to validate your prescription. Please be ready to show your original prescription upon claiming/delivery of your order.
Used for the management of painful skeletal muscle spasm associated with chronic low back pain, sprains &, strains, prolapsed intervertebral disc, muscle injury, non-articular rheumatism, whiplash injury, acute torticollis, tension headache, dysmenorrhea &, other painful muscular conditions.
Place of Origin
Product Usage
1-2 tablet/s three times a day. May be taken with or without food: May be taken w/ meals if GI upset occurs. Take this medication as directed by your doctor. Read the Medication Guide and Patient Information Leaflet if available from your pharmacist before you start taking.
Each tablet contains Orphenadrine citrate 35 mg; paracetamol 450 mg
Interactions with phenothiazines & other antimuscarinic drugs. Alcohol or other CNS depressants. Anticoagulant. Increased gastric emptying with metoclopramide. Decreased gastric emptying with propantheline; antidepressants & narcotic analgesics. Increased chloramphenicol conc. Increased toxicity with alcohol & anticonvulsants.