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Here you can calculate your BMI and BMR. Choose an option on the left.24.55
You are in Normal weight range.
Body Mass Index Scale
- <18.5
- 18.5-25
- 25-30
- 30-35
- >40
- Underweight
- Normal
- Overweight
- Obese 1
- Obese 2
BMI calculation and classification is based on guidelines from the World Health Organization. The calculators are for healthy, non-pregnant adults ages 18-65. If you are suffering from an eating disorder, the results provided by the calculation do not apply. Please seek further advice from your healthcare provider.
1400 Calories / Day
This is your basal metabolic rate (BMR) in kcal.
BMR is defined as the rate at which you body uses energy when resting in order to keep vital functions going such as breathing.
How Many Calories Do You Need?
- Little/no exervise1,600 Calories / Day
- Light exervise1,925 Calories / Day
- Moderate exercise(3-5 days/wk)2,170 Calories / Day
- Very active (6-7 days/wk)2,415 Calories / Day
- Extra active (very active & physical job)2,660 Calories / Day
BMR calculation from the Harris-Benedict Formula. The calculators are for healthy, non-pregnant adults ages 18-65. If you are suffering from an eating disorder, the results provided by the calculation do not apply. Please seek further advice from your healthcare provider.